Saturday, October 10, 2009

He Soo Crazy

So many people believe that I..Steve the bearded one is.. dare I say ALL KNOWING! well to them I say, thanks but your off a little!?!
During the last few months of my traveling around the world in my sailboat the "here fishy fishy", I've learned a lot about live, love and that  when you dare a racist rapper to take the mike from a vulnerable young blond while giving  an acceptance speech, HE WILL DO IT! kanye your sooo CRAZY!!!
Any-who I digress, LIFE.... so it some times sucks but more often than not it is GREAT!  during this little voyage I had the honor, the privilege to meet a very nice and very centred young woman... lets call her Maya.. during our journey together I learned that  the youth of today isn't  totally horrible, rude, selfish, and self centred as I previously believed!  so that's good.
Love.. is at the middle of any good relationship lolly pop...(ya know like the tootsie roll tootsie pop) first love yourself, then you can love the Lord, then you can unleash the love bomb on the world like "Fat boy" ( or was it the other one?) on Hiroshima, just with love and not death and destruction So back to my fictional sailboat and journey.. yea it was a lie! i work and come home and i don't realy know Kanye however I still think he is a racist.
I hope you have enjoyed my latest installment of" Steve he's soooo Crazy" until next time......


Anonymous said...

Steve!!! It's been forever since your last post. Still as funny as ever. I'm totally with you on the kanye thing. How has it been being away from home again? Keep on posting cause I love hearing from you!!

Bea said...

Hello Steve and Jacy,
thanks for entering my little PJ pants giveaway. Although, you did not win the jammy pants I would like to send you a little something anyway. Please contact me with your contact information.