Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Some may wonder why would i use such a title as "Why Don't You Love Me?"
Well today I've been reflecting on my time here on this great planet of ours and a great story came to my remembrance, as some may know I am a scholar a very knowledgefly  packed  firecracker of school type stuff-n-things, and at my 10 year High school reunion (in which i refused to participate in, due to the very high cost, and the slobbering booze fest that it inevitably would become.)this is a story retold to me by a good friend who was on the receiving end....    (the names have been changed to if they ever get a hold of this.)  So what happened was this:  well into the  evening half past TRASHED my friend "Jane" was dancing with her husband when out of the blue "Jack" who by then was three sheets to the wind, yelled across the room "Jane, Why Don't You Love Me?" now at this juncture of the story it is very important to know that
 1: "Jack" and "Jane" are not married to each other !
2: "Jack" was in love with "Jane" during our tender elementary school - high school years. 
3: Jane" did not reciprocate his feelings at that nor any other time in her life!
4: Both "Jack" and "Jane" were now married to other people!

So on with the show.... So after "Jane" heard the very loud and very slurred scream of antiquated love she and her husband decided to stay away from "Jack", so for the rest of the evening "Jane" and husband tried to ignore, evade, and dissuade "Jack" and his boisterous words of affection.
Now why would I tell this story other than it's a good one?  To help me to explain my point, that we all have some one we could get slobbering drunk and follow around all night screaming "Why Don't You Love Me?" 
Why are we the way we are in love? in relationships? Why is it that one person is attracted to one guy and not me, who obviously is bigger, stronger, better looking, smarter, more eloquent, better person and some one who is loved by all but one? I don't know. but I do know that in my case I am definitely better off with my wife now than with the other one (the recipient of my metaphorical drunken screaming) my life is blessed because of it. Not necessarily easier but more
So remember that we the people of this great life, have NO idea what is in store for us, So do what's right follow the prophets-n-stuff and sit back and enjoy, and don't let the bad get you down cuz there is lots of bad to look at if you want.



Megan said...

Steve...that made my night. Seriously. That was awesome.

(I'm Ian's wife)

Darci said...

I'm curious to know who Jane and Jack are, that is really funny.

(Maybe it's just me but life after high school is WAY better).

Megan said...

So, who was it??? I have to know. Give me a clue! I wasn't there either for the same reasons.

(I'm Ian's sister)