Thursday, June 26, 2008

And you thought you knew me!!

SO here it is... this is the beginning of the end. In the book of Revelations it clearly states in chapter:1/2 verse:96 that the end will only come after the great and dreadful day that Steve starts to actually care about something!!
Well Good news, that day has definitely NOT come so you can all sleep good tonight.

My hope for this Blog: a place for me to talk and explain how I feel about events of the world, family, state, and my not so mental health.

For all those twos of people who might possibly think about taking a gander at the insane ramblings of a over worked somewhat middle aged white male American who dose now definitely cling to my  Guns and my God!!

So to get started. Talking about the Hand gun ban Ruling today and how it was soooo INSANE of our nations capital to even rule contrary to the constitution of the Unites States of America and Ban guns in the first place.  That's like  McDonald's going out and banning the "secret" sauce from the Big Mac. its ridicules. Some may even call it Stupid, !  However ( that's a fancy way to say..BUT ) on the bright side and the side of correctness and in following some old paper that this awesome country's laws were based upon.  Those dopes were over ruled in a vote of 5 to 4 in favor of  removing that Dumb ol' ban. 
   Well if we are not careful and Keep our eye on those Crazy anti-American goof balls who are trying to change the U.S.A. into a Canadian style socialistic-communistic-European type bureaucratic -totalitarian government. We may have issues.     But That's just me :>  and my opinion. and we all know what opinions are like.....? right?....right?
Anywho moving on..... in the last few weeks as I have enjoyed time home with my family I have come to the realization that my Mom was right. But to not inflate her motherly ego I'm NOT gonna tell her about what.. As I was up on my soap box.. she was correct about food storage (and o yea following the Prophets council !)  We all need a supply of food that will be able to sustain our family for a period of time or to be able to supplement your diet for a period time.  now as a Family (Jacy & I )We decided that 20lbs of wheat, 100lbs of oats 60lbs of legumes (whatever those are) would not be a good stash for us since  we have no idea how to cook or even prepare food from the raw version of itself.  So we went to Costco .. oooh yea...And used up our savings and stocked up for the long haul. as long as the haul lasts less than a month. So in all reality it would be the not-so-long-haul that we are prepared for.

Now for Something much more serious!!!! My son the red headed devil, was a very big concern of mine. before we moved we explained to all of our children that we were going to be moving and we were talking about the days of the week and so i asked Parker to recite them for me and so he did as following Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, September, 30.....and we asked him to repeat it, and again Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, September, 30...And I thought to myself what kind of non-day correct saying child am i raising? good news is that he really is smart and dose NOW know the days of the week!! (this is not a invite to grill him he gets nervous)


Rogers said...

As your loving wife, I will NOT point out your spelling and grammar mistakes. But I WILL comment on your honesty and humor. I love to listen to you ramble and voice your opinions. I love you :D

Becky N. said...

Any tips for convincing another husband out there to try blogging as a way to express thoughts, too? I love getting to know people through their writing (yours is as random and hilarious as I expected as soon as I saw a link on Jacy's blog...). When does a husband find time for expressing their thoughts about stuff-n-things?

Tommy n DeAnn said...

Steve, you are officially crazy! We miss you...and therefore look forward to more of your crazy rants. Take care!

Unknown said...

I love the rants too. as I said I was on the bus the other day and I said a steve quote and caught some flack but all that I thought was "Steve said it so I can too, can't I?" it had something to do with money, grubbing, and........