Tuesday, October 28, 2008


So the election of a life time is upon us all...  I have heard, read, and even smelled the importance of this election for months now!  I'm kinda sick of it.. to be totally honest with you ( you know who you are!?! ). All of the political posturing and the name calling... like.. European Socialist, anti American, association to  home grown terrorists, racist religious zealot, anti constitutionalist,   and.. George W. Bush.
So with this very important decision that " we the people" have to make here in a few days. we need to do our own research of the candidates the policies that they stand for and find out who these people truly are? Also we need to keep in mind what was this country was based upon? what makes this country the greatest country in the world? How do we keep it that way ? and who will help build this country up in its time in need? or who will be the leader of the "Free World" while it spirals into a dangerous downward death dive from which the likes have never been seen before?
One other very important question to ask yourself before you color in the circle with a blue or black ink pen, is this.... Should the person you choose to be President of these United States Of America, be able to pass a back ground check stringent enough to be a member of the Secret Service.. the same group of brave agents who will be protecting our country's President!    Personally I DO!!!!
In this election, personally I voted for the person who will protect, defend,  and FIGHT for the rights that I find to be important, like The constitutional right to have, carry and use fire arms and not just for target practice or hunting, also and most importantly the right to protect myself my family and my way of life! The right to free enterprise, the right to start my own business and make buckets of money if i am ambitious enough. the right to be under scrutiny by those who I choose like God, and my parents and NOT the government! The right to work as hard as I want without being under the watchful eye of the salivating tax man. The right to believe and worship as I please!    At this point you may think that I am off my rocker!  I may be, but as I started this journey to find my presidential candidate I found out a lot about both major candidates and much to my dismay AGAIN I voted not for the most qualified ( because he was not nominated for his political party.) But against the one that I feel will be the catalyst ( or the spark)in bringing on the second coming or at least bad stuff our way.
Disclaimer: all the thoughts theories and ideas involved in this rant are MINE!!!!

VOTE McCAIN/PALIN to help keep Government under control and small business.. heck even large business in business.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Beards are Glorious

This one goes out to all of those folliclely challenged people who are unable to grow and maintain the beautie that is, THE BEARD!. So for all you Ladies (accept the lady at my kids school with the awesome fu-man-cho ) and pre-pubescent young men out there who cant grace their faces with the magical  awesomeness that the great ones once revered as the" life bread " and the north eastern Brazilians referred to as "O PAO QUE E MAIS GOSTOSO DO QUE PO" wow very spiritual indeed.
Well lets talk about the BEARD a little, for all those historians, and others who like history here is a tid-bit-o-information...If you did not have even a slight hint of a beard, you were not allowed to take part in history ...true fact...Also all of the non beard sporting fellas were not allowed into the public stoning, they were not allowed to be philosophers, Gladiators, kings, jesters, and even some slaves were turned away due to there lack of face carpet:(
But don't fear, for all those who weren't man enough for the chin hair they too had their place in history as stable boys, fair maidens, the rock man from that one dumb kids movie,  I mean there were minor non supporting roles for even them.
Seriously a good beard is a thing of beautie! only this last July in Bremerton WA. the North American Beard and Moustache Championships were held in front of tens of adoring fans. here were some of the styles judged.

as you can see, great!!
that's all for now. steve

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Some may wonder why would i use such a title as "Why Don't You Love Me?"
Well today I've been reflecting on my time here on this great planet of ours and a great story came to my remembrance, as some may know I am a scholar a very knowledgefly  packed  firecracker of school type stuff-n-things, and at my 10 year High school reunion (in which i refused to participate in, due to the very high cost, and the slobbering booze fest that it inevitably would become.)this is a story retold to me by a good friend who was on the receiving end....    (the names have been changed to protect.....me if they ever get a hold of this.)  So what happened was this:  well into the  evening half past TRASHED my friend "Jane" was dancing with her husband when out of the blue "Jack" who by then was three sheets to the wind, yelled across the room "Jane, Why Don't You Love Me?" now at this juncture of the story it is very important to know that
 1: "Jack" and "Jane" are not married to each other !
2: "Jack" was in love with "Jane" during our tender elementary school - high school years. 
3: Jane" did not reciprocate his feelings at that nor any other time in her life!
4: Both "Jack" and "Jane" were now married to other people!

So on with the show.... So after "Jane" heard the very loud and very slurred scream of antiquated love she and her husband decided to stay away from "Jack", so for the rest of the evening "Jane" and husband tried to ignore, evade, and dissuade "Jack" and his boisterous words of affection.
Now why would I tell this story other than it's a good one?  To help me to explain my point, that we all have some one we could get slobbering drunk and follow around all night screaming "Why Don't You Love Me?" 
Why are we the way we are in love? in relationships? Why is it that one person is attracted to one guy and not me, who obviously is bigger, stronger, better looking, smarter, more eloquent, better person and some one who is loved by all but one? I don't know. but I do know that in my case I am definitely better off with my wife now than with the other one (the recipient of my metaphorical drunken screaming) my life is blessed because of it. Not necessarily easier but more blessed..er..?
So remember that we the people of this great life, have NO idea what is in store for us, So do what's right follow the prophets-n-stuff and sit back and enjoy, and don't let the bad get you down cuz there is lots of bad to look at if you want.


Saturday, August 16, 2008

fishing is a life choice

Lets talk Fishing and why it is a life choice and not an activity?
well those other so called life choices IE... vegetarianism, Buddhism, gay, terrorism, uni bomber...(I could go on and on and on but i won't) well they all pale in comparison to the Life choice...the alternate life style.. Nay i even say the Christ likeness that is Fishing!!
What other activity in the whole wide world dose the Greatest man that ever walked the earth endorse? What other Biblical occupation did the majority of the first, first Quorum of the twelve take part in before their calling to the only other more important of Gods works here on earth?(see Matthew 4:18-22 )
If you are a bible scholar or even a half illiterate in breeder from the deep south, you probably know that the bible references the Christlike attribute of fishing many many times, which makes it a heavenly activity!
So on to why it is a life choice. As in reference to my earlier, and may I say brilliant observation and comparison to ...well lets here it from the source Matthew 4:19 "And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."
So you are asking yourself "why is he going biblical on this fishing thing?" I'll tell you why!!    To show you the importance, dedication and sheer intestinal fortitude that one must exhibit to even  think about this type of life choice..I mean how many people are willing to get up at the butt crack of dawn only to sit on the side of a river or lake or any large mass of water waiting, willing , wanting nay i even say wishing for the "BIG ONE" to strike? .......I say not many.....that is why this "Fishing" is a life choice and not a past time..
I've herd it said how to determine if a fisherman is lying or not? the fisherman is talking!!
Also a wise old fisherman told me why fish rise and jump.....they don't have middle fingers...
And in conclusion I would like to remind all of that person who might glance at my rants..."It's my world and the sky is blue!" so goodbye for now.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

And you thought you knew me!!

SO here it is... this is the beginning of the end. In the book of Revelations it clearly states in chapter:1/2 verse:96 that the end will only come after the great and dreadful day that Steve starts to actually care about something!!
Well Good news, that day has definitely NOT come so you can all sleep good tonight.

My hope for this Blog: a place for me to talk and explain how I feel about events of the world, family, state, and my not so mental health.

For all those twos of people who might possibly think about taking a gander at the insane ramblings of a over worked somewhat middle aged white male American who dose now definitely cling to my  Guns and my God!!

So to get started. Talking about the Hand gun ban Ruling today and how it was soooo INSANE of our nations capital to even rule contrary to the constitution of the Unites States of America and Ban guns in the first place.  That's like  McDonald's going out and banning the "secret" sauce from the Big Mac. its ridicules. Some may even call it Stupid, !  However ( that's a fancy way to say..BUT ) on the bright side and the side of correctness and in following some old paper that this awesome country's laws were based upon.  Those dopes were over ruled in a vote of 5 to 4 in favor of  removing that Dumb ol' ban. 
   Well if we are not careful and Keep our eye on those Crazy anti-American goof balls who are trying to change the U.S.A. into a Canadian style socialistic-communistic-European type bureaucratic -totalitarian government. We may have issues.     But That's just me :>  and my opinion. and we all know what opinions are like.....? right?....right?
Anywho moving on..... in the last few weeks as I have enjoyed time home with my family I have come to the realization that my Mom was right. But to not inflate her motherly ego I'm NOT gonna tell her about what.. As I was up on my soap box.. she was correct about food storage (and o yea following the Prophets council !)  We all need a supply of food that will be able to sustain our family for a period of time or to be able to supplement your diet for a period time.  now as a Family (Jacy & I )We decided that 20lbs of wheat, 100lbs of oats 60lbs of legumes (whatever those are) would not be a good stash for us since  we have no idea how to cook or even prepare food from the raw version of itself.  So we went to Costco .. oooh yea...And used up our savings and stocked up for the long haul. as long as the haul lasts less than a month. So in all reality it would be the not-so-long-haul that we are prepared for.

Now for Something much more serious!!!! My son the red headed devil, was a very big concern of mine. before we moved we explained to all of our children that we were going to be moving and we were talking about the days of the week and so i asked Parker to recite them for me and so he did as following Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, September, 30.....and we asked him to repeat it, and again Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, September, 30...And I thought to myself what kind of non-day correct saying child am i raising? good news is that he really is smart and dose NOW know the days of the week!! (this is not a invite to grill him he gets nervous)